Title, Name, Last Name: Dr. Hakan Berument





Date Place of Birth

June 17, 1965 & Istanbul, Turkey



Department of Economics

Bilkent University

06800 Ankara, Turkey



++ 90 312 290 2342



++ 90 532 307 7716



++ 90 312 266 5140


& E-mail









Economics-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill




Economics-University of Kentucky




Economics-Middle East Technical University 







7/07 - Present  


Bilkent University, Department of Economics


4/20 – 10/22

Advisor/Director of Energy Studies



Center for Middle Eastern Studies


3/18 – 11/19


Bilkent Energy Policy Research Center


3/03 - 7/07  

Associate Professor

Bilkent University, Department of Economics


9/02 - 6/03

Visiting Scholar

University of North Carolina, Department of  Economics


9/99 - 3/03  

Assistant Professor

Bilkent University, Department of Economics


1/99 - 9/99

Director General, Research Department (Chief Economist)

Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey


9/95 - 1/99

Assistant Professor

Bilkent University, Department of Economics


8/94 - 9/95

Visiting Assistant Professor

Wake Forest University, Department of Economics


8/91 - 9/94


University of North Carolina, Department of Economics





·         Ranked # 1among the Turkish academic economist on supervising PhD dissertations for the 1990–2011 period (see Kutlar, Kabasakal and Ekici “Contribution of Turkish Acedemicians supervising PhD dissertations and their universities to economics: An evaluation of the 1990-2011 period” Scientometrics 2013.  Hakan Berument abbriviated as HKBT.

·         Ranked # 4 among the academic economist in Turkey based on number of publications in international journals between 1999-2003 (See Çokgezen, Murat “Publication Performance of Economists and Economics Departments in Turkey (1999 - 2003)” Bulletin of Economic Research 58(3), 2006, 253-265..

·         Parlar Foundation   Young Investigator Award for 2003.

·         The Turkish Social Sciences Association (TUBA) Young Social Scientist Promotion Award for 2002.



·         Research Fellow to Economic Research Forum (ERF) 2005 - Present.

·         Vice-president, Econometric Research Association 2005 - Present.

·         Member of a pool that CBRT conduct its surveys for the state of the economy (Pool includes around 100 Businessmen, Academic and non-academic economist) 2005 - Present.

·         Member of Editorial Board of Iktisat Islem ve Finans, 2000 - Present.

·         Member of Editorial Board of The Journal of International Trade and Diplomacy, 2005 - Present.

·         Member of Editorial Board of International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2006 - Present.

·         Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2009 - Present.

·         Member of Editorial Board of International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics, 2010 - Present.

·         Member of Center for Economics and Econometrics, 2000 - Present.



·         “Monetary Policy Under a Multiple-Tool Environment”, 31 October 2018, Koç University.

·         “Oil Shock and the Composition of Current Account Balance”, 29 November 2018, CBRT

·         Volatil Piyasalarda Bankacılık Sistemi” 9.Ekim.2018. TC Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Banaklığı.

·         “Monetary Policy and its Effectiveness: Structural Factors” Macroeconomics and Financial Economics Workshop: Recent Developments in Theory and Empirical Modeling Eastern Mediterranean University 89 October 2009 Famagusta, TRNC, Keynote Speaker

·         The US Monetary Policy Surprises and Foreign Interest Rates: Evidence from a Set of MENA Countries”, Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy, organized by Central Bank of Egypt and Bank of England, Cairo, Egypt, June 2008.

·         “A Bird's Eye View of Our Environment: Guidelines for Policy Design” Second Annual Conference on Current Issues in Economic Governance, April 2008, Ankara, Turkey

·         “The Turkish Current Account, Real Exchange Rate and Sustainability”, Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, November, 2006, Ankara, Turkey.

·         “Monetary Policy and U.S. Long-term Interest Rates: Is there an Excess Sensitivity Puzzle? “, Koc University, October 2005, Istanbul.

·         “Inflation and Growth: Positive or Negative Relationship?”, Baskent University,  January 2005, Ankara.

·         “Foreign Exchange, Current Account and Policies”, Turkish Economic Association, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, May 2004, Ankara.

·         “Treasury Auction Maturity-Interest Rate Relationship”, Management Department, Bilkent University, November 2003, Ankara.

·         “Treasury Auction Interest Rates and Economic Performance in Turkey”,

·         University of Maryland at Baltimore County, April 2003, MD.

·         “Treasury Auction Interest Rates and Economic Performance in Turkey”, Wake Forest University, April 2003, NC.

·         “Fiscal Policy and Decentralization: Effects on Economic Performance “, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, November 2002, NC.

·         “New Economy and Monetary Policy”, The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, June 2001, Ankara.

·         “Measuring Monetary Policy for a Small Open Economy”, Bogazici University, April 2001.

·         “Identification of Monetary Policy for a Small Open Economy”, METU, April 2001.

·         “Central Bank Independence, and Financing Government Spending”, METU January 1996.

·         “Central Bank Independence, and Financing Government Spending”, Bogazici University, February 1996.

·         “Monetary Policy Risk, Output, and Output Risk for Germany”, The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, May 1996.

·         “Political Business Cycles and Endogenous Elections”, METU, September 1996.

·         “Determinants of Interest Rates in Turkey”, Turkish Treasury, October 1998.

·         “Political Business Cycles and Endogenous Elections”, METU, October 1996.

·         “Political Business Cycles and Endogenous Elections” Bilkent, October 1996.

·         “Central Bank Independence and Financing Government Spending” METU, February 1996.

·         “Central Bank Independence and Financing Government Spending”, Bogazici University, February 1996.

·         “Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Economic Performance for Germany”, Bilkent University, April 1996.



Graduate Courses:      

EEPS 501        Economic Analyses of Energy Issues

EEPS 502        Empirical Methods in Energy Economics

ECON 512      Econometrics II

ECON 511      Econometrics I 

ECON 510      Statistics II  

ECON 506     Macroeconomic Theory II

Undergraduate Courses:        

ECON 422      Time Series Analyses

ECON 409      Contemporary Issues in Turkish Economy I

ECON 322      Monetary Economics

ECON 321      Financial Institutions

ECON 318      Seminar in Energy Economics                 

ECON 317      Energy Economics                 

ECON 302      Econometrics II                 

ECON 301      Econometrics I

ECON 221      Introduction to Probability and Statistics I

ECON 207      Economics Theory for Engineers

ECON 205      Macroeconomic Theory I

ECON 202      Economic Theory II

ECON 201      Economic Theory I

ECON 107      Principals of Microeconomics

ECON 101      Introduction to Economics I             

ECON 251      International Trade (Wake Forest University)










·         Mine Ergun, M.S., “Electoral Political-Business Cycles in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Turkey”,  9/96 - 9/98.

·         Mehdi Jelassi, M.S., “Inflation Risk - Inflation Relationship: Does Fisher Equation Help?”, 9/98 - 9/99.

·         Hakan Tasci , M.S., “Two Essays on Dynamic Macroeconomics”, 9/00-9/01.

·         Asli Gunay, MS., “Exchange Rate Risk and Interest Rate: A Case Study for Turkey”, 9/99-9/01.

·         Burak Dogan, M.S., “Openness and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy”, 9/01-05/03.

·         Mehmet Pasaogullari, M.S., “Exchange Rate and the Economic Performance”, 10/01-05/03.

·         Nergiz Dincer, Ph.D. “Capital Inflow and Economic Performance for Turkey”, 01/02-11/04.

·         Eray Yucel, Ph.D., “Three Essays on Dynamic Macroeconomics”, 9/03-10/05.

·         Dilara Berksun, M.S., “Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in Turkey: A Mixed Frequency VAR Approach”, 6/18-6/19.

·         Mürşide Rabia Erdogan, M.S., “Oil Price, Oil Price Volatility and Natural Gas”, 9/2017.

·         Deniz Ege Boz, M.S., “Analyzing the Effects of Cross-Border Electricity Trade on Power Production from Different Energy Sources”, -5/2020.

·         Ilayda Taneri, M.S., “The U.S. Shale Oil After the Export Ban”, -8/2020.

·         Merve Çetinkaya, M.S., “Exchange Rate Regime, World Oil Prices, and the Mexican Economy”, -6/2020.

·         Volkan Kahraman, M.S., “Asymmetric Effects of Benchmark Prices on Iraqi Oil: Basrah Light, Basrah Heavy and Kirkuk”, -1/2021.





Ph.D. Dissertation


“The Effects of Government Structure on Expenditure Financing”, 8/1994, Richard T. Froyen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Chapters in Books


·      “Understanding the Electricity Switching Behavior of Industrial Consumers: An Empirical Study on an Emerging Market”. In: Dorsman A.B., Atici K.B., Ulucan A., Karan M.B. (eds) Applied Operations Research and Financial Modelling in Energy. Springer, Cham. With M. Erdogan, S. Metin Camgoz  and MB Karan M.B, 2021 .

·      “Aphrodite Natural Gas Field and Its Economic Viability” (with İ.Taneri, G.Bilgin and S.Şahin) in Cyprus: Alternative Solution Models eds.  Huseyin Isiksal and Hüseyin Gökçekuş Peter Lang, 2021.

·      Küresel Finanasal Çevrimler, Ülke Risk Primi ve Merkez Bankası Kredibilitisi, (with S. Varlik) in Türkiye’nin Güncel İktisadi Sorunları eds H. Türe and E.Ağaslan, Gazi Kitapevi, 2019.

·       Liberalization of Banking Services“ (with H.Ersel and S.Togan) in Economic Liberalization and Turkey eds S.Togan, Routledge, 2010.

·      Impact of Economic Liberalization“ (with J.Michalek and S.Togan) in Economic Liberalization and Turkey eds S.Togan, Routledge, 2010.

·      “The Impact of a Disinflation Program on the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector: Evidence from 1988-99”, in  Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey  eds. Aykut Kibritcioglu, Libby Rittenberg and Faruk Selcuk, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2002 (with Alper, Emre, Hakan Berument and Kamuran Malatyali).

·      “Exchange Rate and the Dynamics of Turkish Inflation”, in Crises and IMF Policies eds. Omer Faruk Colak, Alkim Yayinevei, 2002 (in Turkish).


Articles in Refereed Journals (Journals Listed in SSCI or SCI are Marked with *; Names of Graduate Students are Underlined)


Selected Publications


·         *”Turkish Straits and an Important Oil Price Benchmark: Urals” Energy Journal, (forthcoming) with D.E. Ayasli, Y. Yalcin, and S.Sahin.

·         *”The “Monetary Policy under a Multiple-Tool Environment” Bulletin of Economic Research 2020 72, 225-250, with S. Varlik.

·         *”The Relative Effects of Crude Oil Price and Exchange Rate on Petroleum Product Prices: Evidence from a Set of Northern Mediterranean Countries” Economic Modelling  42 (2014) 243–249, 2014 with A. Sahin and S. Sahin

·         * “Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty: A Dynamic Framework” Physica A Volume 391, Issue 20, 15 October 2012  with Y.Yalcin and J. Yildirim

·         *”Effects of Soccer on Stock Markets: The Return-Volatility Relationship” The Social Science Journal Volume 49, Issue 3, September 2012, Pages 368–374 with Nildag Ceylan (for a longer version)

·         *The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Economic Growth of Selected MENA CountriesThe Energy Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1, 150-176, 2010., with Nildag Ceylan and Nuket Dogan.

·         *Measuring Monetary Policy for A Small Open Economy: TurkeyJournal of Macroeconomics, 29, 411-30, 2007.

·         Return and Maturity Relationship for Treasury Auctions: Theory and Evidence from TurkeyFiscal Studies 26(3), 385-419, 2005 with Eray Yucel.

·         *Long Live Fenerbahçe: The Production Boosting Effects of Football in Turkey   Journal of Economic Psychology.  26, 842-861, 2005 with Eray Yucel.

·         Monetary Policy and Long Term Interest Rates:  Evidence from Weekly Data  Journal of Macroeconomics  28, 737–751, 2006 with Richard T. Froyen

·         Denomination Composition of Trade and Trade Balance: Evidence from TurkeyApplied Economics, 37, 1177-91, 2005, with Nergiz Dincer.

·         The Missing Link between Inflation Uncertainty and Interest RatesScottish Journal of Political Economy 52(2), 222-241, 2005, with Zubeyir Kilinc and Umit Ozlale.

·         The Day of the Week Effect on Stock Market Volatility and Volume: International Evidence“, Review of Financial Economics, 2003, 12(4), 363-380, with Halil Kiymaz.

·         *Public Sector Pricing Behavior and Inflation Risk Premium in Turkey“,   Eastern European Economics, 2003, 41(1), 68-78.

·         Potential Information and Target Variables for U.K. Monetary Policy“, Applied Economics, 30, 1998, 449-463, with Richard Froyen.

·         Central Bank Independence and Financing Government Spending“, Journal of Macroeconomics, 20, 1998, 133-152.

·         Political Business Cycles and Endogenous Elections“, Southern Economic Journal, 64, 1998, 987-1000, with Jac C Heckelman.


Other Publications

·         "Psychological Motives in the Conduct of Monetary Policy: Delayed Actions", Firat University International Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. with N. Doğan & G. Şahin

·         "Analyzing Türkiye’s Import Dependency of Exports: A Sectoral Approach", Fiscaoeconomia, 8(2), 807-824. Doi: 10.25295/fsecon.1448406 with S. Varlık and N.H. Sevgi, N. H.

·         "Benchmark Prices and Iraqi Oil: The Asymmetric Effects of Benchmark Prices on Three Iraqi Oil Blends" International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, (2024) with V. Kahraman and N. Dogan.

·         * "Co-Movements of Crude Oil Prices" Spatial Economic Analysis with R. Karci and N. Dogan.

·         “The Long-run Relationship between the Prices of WTI and Brent Crude Oils – Periodogram Based Cointegration Analyses" Energy Economics Letters 10(1), 35-43, 2023, with Y. Akdi and S. Varlik.

·         * "The Effects of Two Benchmarks on Russian Crude Oil Prices", Economic Change and Restructuring 56 (2), 733-748, 2023 with G. Sahin and N. Dogan

·         *"Effects of US Foreign and Domestic Shocks on US Shale Oil Production Across Different Basins" Resources Policy vol. 79, pp. 102991-1--18, 2022  with H.K. Ugur and N. Dogan.

·         "Syrian Refugees to Europe: Are They Different from the Non-Syrians?" Middle East Development Journal 14(2), 199-218, 2022 with R. Ciftci and N. Dogan.

·         *"The Switching Behavior of Large-Scale Electricity Consumers in  The Turkish Electricity Retail Market" , vol. 160, pp. 160-1--13, 2022  Energy Policy with M.R..Erdogan, S.M.Camgoz and M.B. Karan.

·         "Exchange Rate Regime, World Oil Prices and the Mexican Economy" International Journal of Economic Policy Studies vol. 16, pp. 159-178, 2022.with M.Osmanbeyoglu and N.Dogan

·         * “Brent-Dubai Oil Spread: Basic Drivers” Economic Analysis and Policy (forthcoming) with E.Y. Haliloglu.

·         * “A Measure of the Informal Sector for the Turkish Diesel Market” Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 2021, 16(7), pp 638-649, with F. Yaz and N. Dogan

·         “The Effects of Cross-border Electricity Trade on Power Production from Different Energy Sources” The Electricity Journal Volume 34, Issue 5, June 2021, 106953 with D.E. Boz and B. Sanli.

·         “The US Shale Oil Production, Market Forces and the US Export Ban” International Journal of Energy Sector Management 2021, with I. Taneri, N. Dogan.

·         Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in Turkey: A Mixed Frequency VAR Approach” Energy Economics Letters 2021, Vol 8 (1), pp. 95-108 with D. Berksun and N. Dogan.

·         “The Asymmetric Effects of Crude Oil Prices and Exchange Rates on Diesel Prices for 27 European Countries” Global Business Review 2021, I-25 with E.Y. Haliloglu.

·         * “The Fisher Effect on Long-term U.K. Interest Rates in Alternative Monetary Regimes: 1844-2018” Applied Economics 2021, 53(33), pp 3795-3809, with RT Froyen.

·         “Asymmetric Price Transmission of Oil Prices to Consumer Price Index Expenditure Groups:  Threshold Cointegration Analysis” (in Turkish) Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi with Elif Tiryak and Nükhet Doğan.

·         “Oil Prices, Exchange Rate Regime and Russian Economy”(in Turkish) İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi with Levent Gül and  Nükhet Doğan.

·         * “Duration of Global Financial Cycles” Physica A,2020, 549, 124331, with S. Varlik and Y. Akdi.

·         “Oil Price Shocks and the Composition of Current Account Balance” Central Bank Review, 2020 20(1), 1-8 with S. Varlik.

·         *”The Effects of Electricity Price Changes on Prices of Other Goods and Services – Evidence from Turkey” Applied Economics Letters 2020, 27(12) 955-960 with A. Gedikkaya and S. Varlık.

·         * “The Day of the Week Effect and Interest Rates”, Borsa Istanbul Review 2020, 20(1), pp 55-63, with S. Gayaker and Y. Yalcin.

·         “Cycle Duration in Production with Periodicity – Evidence from Turkey” International Econometric Review, 2018, 10(2) with Y. Akdi and S. Varlık.

·         * “The Effect of Output Growth Volatility on Output Growth: Empirical Evidence from Turkey” Applied Economic Letters, 2019, with Volkan Ulke and Serdar Varlik.

·         * “Asymmetric Effects of Central Bank Funding on Commercial Bank Lending Behavior” Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2019 32:1, 128-147, with Afşin Şahin

·         * “Multiple Policy Interest Rates and Economic Performance in a Multiple Monetary Monetary-Policy-Tool Environment” International Review of Economics and Finance 52, 107-126 (2017) with S. Varlik.

·         * “A Century and Three-Quarters of Bank Rate and Long-term Interest Rates in the United Kingdom” International Finance, 2017, 20:26–47. with Richard T. Froyen and Ezequiel Cabezon.

·         * “The Time-Varying Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Inflation for Turkey” Applied Economics Letters, 2017, 2017 VOL. 24, NO. 13, 961–967 with S. Varlik and V. Ulke.

·         * “Persistency of Turkish Export Shocks:  A Quantile Autoregression (QAR) Approach” Empirica. Journal of European Economics  (2016) 43:445–460 DOI 10.1007/s10663-015-9301-7 with NN Dinçer and P.Yasar.

·         *”Rethinking Interest Rate Volatility as a Macroprudential Policy Tool” Middle East Development Journal Middle East Development Journal, 2016 Vol. 8, No. 1, 109–126, with B Dogan and A Sahin.

·         *”Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks on Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence from Turkey” Applied Economics Letters, 2016, Volume: 23   Issue: 5   Pages: 353-360  with Volkan Ulke.

·         *”Credit Channel and Capital Flows: A Macroprudential Policy Tool? Evidence from Turkey” The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (BEJM), 2016 Volume: 16   Issue: 1   Pages: 145-170 with S.Varlik.

·         * “Three-Factor Asset Pricing Model and Portfolio Holdings of Foreign Investors: Evidence from an Emerging Market – Borsa Istanbul” Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja 2015 Vol. 28, No. 1, 467–486,  with NB Ceylan & B. Dogan.

·         “Assessing the Effects of a Policy Rate Shock on Market Interest Rates: Interest Rate Pass-Through with a FAVAR Model - The Case of Turkey for the Inflation-Targeting Period” Journal of Money, Investment and Banking 2015 with S.Varlık and NB Ceylan.

·         * “Effectiveness of the Reserve Option Mechanism as a Macroeconomic Prudential Tool: Evidence from Turkey” Applied Economics, 2015 Vol. 47, No. 56, 6075–6087, with A. Sahin & B. Dogan

·         * “The Effects of Capital Inflows on Turkish Macroeconomic Performance” Empirica, Journal of European Economics, (2015) 42:813–824 DOI 10.1007/s10663-015-9278-2  with Z. Denaux and F. Emirmahmutoglu.

·         “The inconsistent Response of Turkish Export Demand to Real Exchange Rate Shocks” Global Journal of Business Research, 9(1), 49-56   with Z. Denaux and Y. Yalcin.

·         *”Effectiveness of Monetary Policy under Different Levels of Capital Flows for an Emerging Economy: Turkey” Applied Economics Letters 2015 Vol. 22, No. 6, 441–445, with Volkan Ulke.

·         “Monetary Policy and Interest Rates under Inflation Targeting in Australia and New Zealand” New Zealand Economic Papers 2015 Vol. 49, No. 2, 171188,  (with Richard Froyen)

·         *An Interest-Rate-Spread Based Measure of Turkish Monetary Policy” Applied Economics Vol. 46, No. 15, 1804–1813, 2014 with NB Ceylan and B Dogan (WP version)

·         * “External Income Shocks and Turkish Exports:  A Sectoral Analysis” Economic Modelling 37, 476-484, 2014, with N. Dincer and Z. Mustafaoğlu.

·         *”Output-Employment Relationship across Sectors: A Long- versus Short-Run PerspectiveBulletin of Economic Research 67:3, 2015, 0307-3378 DOI: 10.1111/boer.12017 with A. Sahin and A. Tansel.

·         *”Soccer and Stock Market Risk: Empirical Evidence from the Istanbul Stock ExchangePsychological Reports 2013, 112, 3, 763-770. with N. Ceylan.

·         “Output-Employment Relationship across the Employment Status: Evidence from Turkey”, Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies 99-121, 7(1), 2014,  with A. Sahin and A. Tansel. DOI:10.1080/17520843.2012.761260

·         *” Football and the Risk-Return Relationship for a Stock market: Istanbul Stock Exchange”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade / March–April 2013, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 19–30. with N.Ceylan and B. Onar.

·         “Stock Market Return and Volatility: Day-of-the-Week Effect”, Journal of Economics and Finance (36) 282-302, 2012 with N. Dogan.

·         “How does the Exchange Rate Movement Affect Macroeconomic Performance? A VAR Analysis with Sign Restriction Approach- Evidence from Turkey” Economics Bulletin 32(1), 295-305, 2012 with Z. Denaux and Y. Yalcin.

·         *”Effects of Daylight Savings Time changes on stock market volatility: a reply” Psychological Reports, 2011, with N. Dogan.

·         *”Effects of Growth Volatility on Economic Performance - Empirical Evidence from Turkey” European Journal of Operational Research 2012, with N. Dincer and Z. Mustafaoglu.

·         “The Effects of US Stock Markets on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and its Components” Journal of International Finance and Economics 11(2), 85-94, 2011, with Z. Denaux and Y. Yalcin.

·         Cari işlemler dengesi, sermaye hareketleri ve kredilerBankacılar Dergisi: Sayı 78, 3-21, 2011, with S. Togan.

·         *Turkish Monetary Policy and Components of Aggregate Demand: A VAR Analysis with Sign Restrictions ModelApplied Economics 2012, 44, 4787–4798 with Z. Denaux and Y. Yalcin

·          “The Effects of Anticipated and Unanticipated Federal Funds Target Rate Changes on Domestic Interest Rates: International Evidence” International Review of Applied Financial Issues and   Economics, N2, 2010  with Nildag Ceylan

·         *”Effects of daylight savings time changes on stock market volatility”, Psychological Reports, 106(2), 632-40, 2010, with N. Dogan and B. Onar.

·         *”Inflation and inflation uncertainty for Turkey: A Dynamic Framework”, Empirical Economics, 41, 293-309, 2011 with Y. Yalcin and J. Yildrim. (DOI 10.1007/s00181-010-0377-4)

·         “Seasonal Patterns of Inflation Uncertainty for the US Economy: An EGARCH Model Results” IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, Feb & May 2010 Issue with N. Köse and A. Şahin.

·         *”Identifying the liquidity Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks for a small Open Economy: Turkey”, Open Economies Reviews, Volume 22, Issue 4 (2011), Page 649-667,  with A. Sahin and S.Togay.(WP version)

·         “Stock Market Return and Volatility Relationship: Monday Effect”,   International Journal of Economic Perspectives (forthcoming) with N. Dogan.

·         * “Total Factor Productivity and Macroeconomic Instability” The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 20(5) 605-629 2011 with N Dincer and Z. Mustafaoglu. (DOI: 10.1080/09638190903365930)

·         * “Seasonality in inflation Volatility: Evidence from Turkey” Journal of Applied Economics v. 13, iss. 1, pp. 39-65, 2010 with Afsin Sahin.

·         * “The Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Inflation:  Stochastic Volatility in Mean Model within a Dynamic Framework Economic Modelling” Economic Modelling 26, 1201–1207, 2009 with Yeliz Yalcin and Julide Yildirim.

·         * “Soccer, Stock Returns, and Fanaticism: Evidence from Turkey”, Social Science Journal 46, 2009, 594-600 with Nildag Ceylan and Gulin Eker.

·         “The Choice of Monetary Policy Tool(s) and Relative Price Variability: Evidence from Turkey”, Journal of Applied Sciences, online, with A. Sahin and B. Saracoglu.

·         “US Monetary Policy Surprises and Foreign Interest Rates: Evidence from a Set of MENA Countries” Review of Middle East Economics and Finance Vol. 4: No. 2, Article 5, with Nildag Ceylan.

·         Macroeconomic Policy and Unemployment by Economic Activity: Evidence from Turkey”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (forthcoming), with N. Dogan and A Tansel.

·         “Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy for Turkey”, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 29(1), 83-110 with Nergiz Dincer.

·         “Monetary Policy and U.S. Long-term Interest Rates: How Close are the Linkages”, Journal of Economics and Business, (forthcoming), with Richard Froyen.

·         “Inflation and Growth: Positive or Negative Relationship?” Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2), 2008, 192-204, with Ali Inamlik and Hasan Olgun.

·         *”Football and Exchange Rates:  Empirical Support for Behavioral Economics”, Psychological Reports, 101, 643-654, 2007, with Gulin Eker and Burak Dogan.

·         The Effects of World Income on Economic Performance of African Countries“,   International Journal of Economic Perspectives Volume 1, Issue 4 in December 2007 with Nildag Basak Ceylan and Bergisu Vural.

·         “The Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Activity in Turkey”, Journal of Asian Economics, 18, 466-489, 2007  with Magda Kandil and Nergiz Dincer.

·         “The Differential Sectoral Effects of Policy Shocks: Evidence from Turkey”, Yapi Kredi Economic Review   17(2), 2006, 75-100 with Nildag Ceylan and Eray M. Yucel.

·         1680-1747 Ottoman Budgets and Deficits Sustainability in a Period of Fiscal Transition: Wars and Administrative Changes“,   Archives of Economic History 2006, volume 18, No 1, January-June 2006 with Nuray Ocakli.

·         “The Effects of Changes in the Anticipated and Unanticipated FED Funds Target Rate Changes on Financial Indicators: The Case of an Emerging Market Country-Turkey”,   International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 7, 40-7, 2007, with Nildag Ceylan and Hasan Olgun.

·         “The Turkish Current Account, Real Exchange Rate and Sustainability”, Journal of International Trade and Diplomacy, 1, 155-92, 2007, with Subidey Togan.

·         “Openness and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Analysis“,   International Economic Journal, 21(4), 577-91, 2007, with Nazli Konac and Ozge Senay.

·         *”Effects of Adopting Inflation Targeting Regimes on Inflation Variability“, Physica A,  Volume 375, Issue 1, 15 February 2007, Pages 265-273, with Ebru Yuksel.

·         * “Effects of USD-Euro Parity on a Small Open Economy:  Evidence from Turkey“, Applied Economics, 2008, 40, 2165–2174 with Eray M. Yucel.

·         “The Relationship Between Different Price Indexes: A Set of Evidence from Inflation Targeting Countries“, UNECE's Statistical Journal  Volume 23, Number 2-3, 2006, 119 - 125 with Yilmaz Akdi, Seyit Cilasun and  Hasan Olgun.

·          “The Stock Market Channel of Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Istanbul Stock Market”, Scientific Journal of Administrative Development   2007, vol.5 117-144 with Ali Kutan.

·         *”Economic Performance and Unemployment: Evidence from an Emerging Economy- Turkey“, International Journal of Manpower   2006, vol. 27(7), 604-23 with Nukhet Dogan and Aysit Tansel.

·         “Day of the Week Effect on Foreign Exchange Market Volatility: Evidence from Turkey“,   Research in International Business and Finance 21, 87-97, (2007) with Afsin Sahin and Nejat Coskun.

·         Inflation Dynamics and Its Sources in Ottoman Empire: 1586-1913“,   International Review of Applied Economics   Vol. 21, No. 2, 207–245, April 2007 with Asli Gunay.

·         “The Center and Periphery Relations In International Stock Markets“ Applied Financial Economics Letters 2006, 2, 365-370 with Nergiz Dincer and Hasan Olgun.

·         *Inflation Uncertainty and Interest Rates: Is the Fisher Relation Universal?Applied Economics Volume 39, Number 1, January 2007, Pages:   53 - 68  with Nildag Basak Ceylan and Hasan Olgun.

·         *”Performance of Soccer on the Stock Market: Evidence from Turkey“ Social Science Journal 43, 695-699, 2006 with Nildag Basak Ceylan and Esin Gozpinar.

·         *”The Effect of Japanese Economic Performance on Indonesia“ Applied Economics Letters 2006, 13, 499-502 with Nildag Basak Ceylan and Bergisu Vural.

·         “Success in Soccer and Economic Performance: Evidence from Besiktas-Turkey“ Review of International Economics and Business (RISEC), 2006, 53(2), 260-74  with Onur Ince and Eray Yucel.

·         * Cointegrating Relationship between Consumer and Wholesale Price IndicesPhysica A, 2006, 360(2), 483-92, with Yilmaz Akdi and Seyit Mumin Cilasun.

·          “Business Cycles in Turkey and European Union Countries: A Perspective to Membership“ Sosyo Ekonomi,  with Zubeyir Kilinc and Eray Yucel, 2005, 1(1), 11-26.

·         “Fractionalization Effect and Government Financing” International Journal of Applied Economics, 2005, 2(1), 37-49 with Jac C Heckelman.

·         * “The Effects of Exchange Rate Risk on Economic Performance: The Turkish Experience“ Applied Economics, 2004, 36: 2429-2441, with Nergiz Dincer.

·         “Effect of S&P500's Return on Emerging Markets: Turkish Experience” Applied Financial Economics Letters 2005, 1, 59-94, with Onur Ince.

·         *”An Empirical Analysis of Istanbul Stock Exchange Sub-Indexes” Studies Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 2005, 9(3), Article 5, with Yilmaz Akdi and Cemal Atakan.

·         “Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Economic Performance for Germany” Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics.  2005, 6(1), 29-41.

·         “The Asymmetric Effects of Government Spending Shocks: Empirical Evidence from Turkey“  Journal of Economic and Social Research Vol 6(1), 2004, with Burak Dogan.

·         *”Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the G-7 Countries“, Physica A, 2005, 348, 371-9, with Nergiz Dincer.

·         “The Effects of Different Inflation Risk Premiums on Interest Rate Spreads“,  Physica A, 2004, 333, 317-324,  with Zubeyir Kilinc and Umit Ozlale

·         *”Do Capital Flows Improve Macroeconomic Performance in Emerging Markets“, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2004, 40(4), 20-32,with Nergiz Dincer.

·         “The Day of the Week Effect on Stock Market Volatility: Istanbul Stock Exchange“  Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans, 2004, vol 223, 91-102, with Ali Imanlik and Halil Kiymaz (in Turkish).

·          “Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Inertia in Turkey“, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 2004, 25(3), 63-86, with Kivilcim Metin-Ozcan and Bilin Neyapti.

·         *”The Effects of Foreign Income on Economic Performance of a Small-Open Economy: Evidence from Turkey“, Applied Economics Letters, 2004, 11, 483-488,  with Zubeyir Kilinc.

·         *”Monetary Policy Rules in Practice: Evidence from Turkey“, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2004, 9, 33-38, with Hakan Tasci.

·         “The Effect of Football on Productivity“ Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans, 2003, 212, 51-62, with Ali Imanlik and Eray Yucel (in Turkish).

·         *”Effects of the Real Exchange Rate on Output and Inflation: Evidence from Turkey”, Developing Economies, 2003, 41(4), 401-435, with Mehmet Pasaogullari.

·          “Is Budget Deficit an Appropriate Measure of Fiscal Stance?“  Yapi Kredi Economic Review,  2003 14(2), 3-14, with Eray Yucel.

·         *”Fisher Hypothesis: A Multi-Country Analysis“, Applied Economics, 2002, 34, 1645-1655, with Mehdi Jelassi.

·          “Temporal Ordering of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty: Evidence from the United Kingdom“ Istatistik, Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association, 2002, Vol 5. no.1, pages 551-58, with Mutlu Yuksel.

·          “Effects of Government Fractionalization on an Economy: Turkish Experience“, Istatistik, Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association, 2001, Vol 4. no.1, pages 8-18, with Yilmaz Akdi, and Asli Gunay.

·         *”Openness and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: Empirical Evidence from Turkey“, Applied Economics Letters, 2003, 10(4) pp 217-21, with Burak Dogan.

·         *”Exchange rate Risk and Interest Rate: A Case Study for Turkey“, Open Economies Review, 2003, 14(1) pp 19-27, with Asli Gunay.

·         “Central Bank Independence, Government Political Orientation and Optimum Government Expenditure Financing”, Review of International Economics and Business (RISEC), IL(4), 2002, 433-461, with A. Ozlem Onder.

·         *”Inflationary Effect of Crude Oil Prices in Turkey“, Physica A, 2002, 316 568-580,  with Hakan Tasci.

·         * “Monetary Policy, Income and Prices: A Stability Assessment“, Applied Economics Letters, 2002, 9, pp 685-694, with Hakan Tasci.

·          “The Day of the Week Effect on Stock Market Volatility“, Journal of Economics and Finance, 25(2), 2001, 181-193, with Halil Kiymaz.

·         *”The Impact of the Disinflation Program on the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector“, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, 37(6) 2001, 81-95, with Emre Alper, and Kamuran Malatyali.

·         “The Disinflation Program and the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector“, Bogazici Journal, 15(1), 2001, 25-33, with Emre Alper  and Kamuran Malatyali.

·         *Determinants of Interest Rates in Turkey“, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, 37(1), 2001, 5-16, with Kamuran Malatyali.

·         *”Turkey's Full Membership to the European Union”, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, 37(4), 2001, 50-60, with Kamuran Malatyali and Bilin Neyapti.

·         *”The Implicit Reaction Function of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey“, Applied Economics Letters, 2000, 425-430, with Kamuran Malatyali.

·         *”The Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Interest Rates in the UK”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 46(2), 1999, 207-218.

·          “Financial Crises and Changes in Determinants of Risk and Return: An Empirical Investigation of Emerging Markets”, Multinational Finance Journal, 3(4), 1999, 223-252, with Gulnur Muradoglu and Kivilcim Metin.

·         “The Importance of the Unanticipated Inflation in Turkey” Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans (162) September 1999:26-31, with  Hulisi Ogut and Serkan Yigit (in Turkish).

·           “What is the Level of Independence of Turkish Central Bank?”  Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans, (165) December 1999:11-17, with Bilin Neyapti (in Turkish).

·          “Interest Rates, Inflation and Variability of Inflation: A Case Study for Turkey” METU Studies in Development, 24, 1997, 319-327, with Nuray Guner.

·          “Politics in Turkey, Economic Populism and Governments”, Hacettepe Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 15, 1997, 171-186, with Serdar Sayan  (in Turkish).

·         *”Financing Divided Government”, Applied Economics Letters, 4, 1997, 369-372.

·         *”The Political Parties and Optimum Government Financing: Empirical Evidence for Industrialized Economies”, Southern Economic Journal, 61, 1994, 510-518.



Book Chapters

·         “Libralization of banking services” in Economic Liberalizartion and Turkey edited by S.Togan, 153-187, UK, Routledge, 2010Routledge 2010 with S.Togan and Hasan Ersel.

·         “Impact of economic liberalization “in Economic Liberalizartion and Turkey edited by S.Togan, 239-284, Routledge 2010 with S.Togan and J. Michalek.

Refereed Proceedings

·         “Periodogram Analysis for Seasonal Time Series with Unit Root” Bulletin of International Statistical Institute, 1997 LVII: 453-454, with Yilmaz Akdi.

·         “Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Economic Performance for Germany”  Bulletin of International Statistical Institute, 1997 LVII: 465-466,  with  Yilmaz Akdi.

·         “Correlation Between Monetary and Real Aggregates: A Turkish Study”  TC Devlet Istatistik Ensitusu  Arastirma Sempozyumu 1997 Bildirileri, 191-194,  with  Kamuran Malatyali (in Turkish).

·         “Potential Information Variable for Output” TC Devlet Istatistik  Ensitusu  Arastirma Sempozyumu 1997 Bildirileri, 177-80, with Yilmaz Akdi (in Turkish).

·         “Modeling Longitutudial and Panel Studies” TC Devlet Istatistik  Ensitusu Arastirma Sempozyumu 1997 Bildirileri, 167-172,   with Omer Gebizliouglu, Yilmaz Akdi and Cemal Atakan (in Turkish).

Published Conference Abstracts

·         “International evidence on the day of the week effect on stock market volatility”,  The Sixth Annual Global Finance Conference Abstract/Proceedings, April 1999, with Halil Kiymaz.

·         “Exchange rate uncertainty and its effect on International Trade”,  Atlantic Economic Journal, 1990, 43:62, with E. Alexandradis and P. Roussos.

Non-refereed Proceedings

·         “New Economy and Monetary Policy,” The Central Bank of  the Republic of Turkey, June 2001, Ankara, Hakan Berument (in Turkish).

·         “International Evidence on the Day of the Week Effect on Stock Market  Volatility”, the 6th Annual Global Finance Conference, 1999, Istanbul,  with Halil Kiymaz.

·         “An empirical investigation of stock returns and determinants of risk in an emerging market: Istanbul Stock Exchange”, IFAC: Society for Computational Economics Meeting'98, Cambridge, UK, with Gulnur Muradoglu and Kivilcim Metin.


·         “A Recommendation Related with the Ammendment Planning to be Done by Article 350 of Draft of Turkish Code of Obligations”, 129, pp: 45-47, 2006   Hukuk Dergisi   with N. Ceylan and H. Olgun (in Turkish).



Non-Self Citations (Listed in SSCI and SCI journals):



·         07/10 – Present Member, Bilkent University Senate.

·         03/08- Present Member, Faculty Executive Board.

·         12/03- 07/07 Member, Faculty Board.

·         9/95- 9/97 Member, External Examination Committee of Statistics I and II courses.

·         9/95-9/97 Coordinator of Textbooks Orders for the Department of Economics.

·         9/95-9/97 Coordinator of the Classroom Assignments for the Department of Economics.

·         9/95- present Advising Undergraduate Students.

·         1/96-6/97 and 12/97-8/98. Coordinator of Departmental Seminars.

·         9/2000 – 8/2002 Director of Internship Program at the Economics Department


Applied Economics; Applied Financial Economics Letters; The B.E. Journals in Macroeconomics; B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy; Central Bank Review; Contemporary Economic Policy; Economics and Politics; Economic Modelling; Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (formerly, Russian and East European Finance and Trade); Energy Economics; Eurasian Review of Econometrics; Iktisat Isletme ve Finans; International Economic Journal; International Economics and Economic Policy; International Economics and Finance Journal; International Research Journal of Finance and Economics; Journal of Applied Economics; Journal of Economic Cooperation; Journal of Emerging Market Finance; Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money; Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization; Journal of Macroeconomics; Manchester School; METU Studies in Development; Open Economies Review; Physica A; Quantitative Finance; Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance:  Research in International Business and Finance; Resources Policy; Review of Financial Economics; Southern Economic Journal; Uluslararasi Ekonomi ve Dis Ticaret Politikalari.


·         “The Impact of the Disinflation Program on the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector” sponsed by CSFB 2000 (with Emre Alper)

·         Publication from the Sponsored Research: “The Impact of a Disinflation Program on the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector: Evidence from 1988-99”, in  Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey  eds. Aykut Kibritçioğlu, Libby Rittenberg and Faruk Selçuk, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2002 (Alper, Emre, Hakan Berument and Kamuran Malatyali).

·         “The Impact of the Disinflation Program on the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector”, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, 37(6) 2001, 81-95,  with Emre Alper, and Kamuran Malatyali.

·         “The Disinflation Program and the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector”, Bogazici Journal, 15(1), 2001, 25-33, with Emre Alper and Kamuran Malatyali.

·         “The Effect of Income, Price and Monetary Policies on Unemployment and Its Components” sponsored by TUBITAK (SOBAG-104K007) 2004-5 (with Aysit Tansel).

·         “Financial Policy Issues” section of Country Profile: Turkey sponsored by ERF 2005.

·         “Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty: A Dynamic Approach” sponsored by TUBITAK (SOBAG-105K006) 2005-6 (with Julide Ocal).

·         “The Effect of Changes in the Anticipated and Unanticipated Fed Funds Rates on the Economic Performance: A case of an Emerging market Country-Turkey” sponsored by TUBITAK (SOBAG-105K017) 2005-6 (with Nildag Basak Ceylan).

·         “Monetary Policy and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy” sponsored by TUBITAK (SOBAG-106K064) 2006-8 (with Nildag Basak Ceylan and Sıdıka Başçı).


·         Establishing an article search engine at interest for studies in Turkish. (

·         Establishing Pazar11 meetings among economists to follow current developments in the field.

·         Volunteer - OPC County Helpline, Chapel Hill, NC September 1990-August 1994.

·         Volunteer - Winston-Salem Hotline, Winston-Salem, NC October 1994 - July 1995.


·         “Stock Market Return and Volatility Relationship: Monday Effect”, Multinational Finance Society, Orlando, FL, July, 2008. (Berument, Hakan and Nildag Ceylan)

·          “Inflation Dynamics and Its Sources in Ottoman Empire: 1586-1913”, Southern Economic Association Meetings, San Antonio, TX, November 2003 (Berument, Hakan and  Asli Gunay).

·         “Is Beating Foreign Soccer Team Good for the Economy”, Southern Economic Association Meetings, San Antonio, TX, November 2003(Berument, Hakan and Eray Yucel).

·         “Long Live Fenerbahce: Effect of Soccer on Economic Performance”, METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, September, 2003.

·         “Monetary Policy and Long-term U.S. Nominal Interest Rates”, Western Economic Association Meetings, Denver, CO, July 2003.(Berument, Hakan and Richard T. Froyen)

·         “Debt Maturity-Yield Relationship in Turkey: Empirical Assessment” , METU/ERC  International Conference on Economics, September, 2002. (Berument, Hakan and Eray Yucel)

·         “Political Business Cycles from Ottoman Empire”, METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, September, 2002. (Berument, Hakan and Asli Gunay)

·         “Treasury Auction Interest Rate and Economic Performance for Turkey “, Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting, March, 2002.

·         “Impact of Disinflation Program on the Turkish Banking Sector”, METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, September, 2001.

·         “Monetary Policy, Income and Prices: A Stability Assessment”, METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, September, 2001.

·         “Treasury Auction Interest Rate and Economic Performance on Turkey”, Eastern Economic Association Meetings, Boston MA, March 2002.

·         “Measuring Monetary Policy for a Small Open Economy”, Western Economic Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA, July 2001.

·         “Identification of Monetary Policy for a Small Open Economy”, METU, April 2001.

·         “The day-of-the-week effect and stock market volatility: Evidence from developed markets” Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting Myrtle Beach, SC, April 2000.  Halil Kiymaz and Hakan Berument

·          “Time-Varying Responses of Long-term Interest Rates to Changes in the Federal Funds rate”, Western Economic Association Meetings, San Diego, CA, July 1999. H. Berument and R. Froyen.

·         “Implicit Reaction Function for the Central bank of the Republic of Turkey”, Middle East Economic Association Meetings, New York, NY, January 1999. H. Berument and K. Malatyali.

·         “International Evidence on the Day of the Week Effect on the Stock Market Volatility” presented at the 1999 Global Finance Association Annual Meeting, (Istanbul, Turkey, April 1999), H. Berument and H. Kiymaz.

·          “Implicit Reaction Function for the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey” METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, Hakan Berument and Kamuran Malatyali, September, 1998.

·          “Inflation Uncertainty: What does Affect It?” METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, Ankara, September, 1998.

·         “Inflation Uncertainty: What does Affect It?” Western Economic Association Meetings Lake Thao, NV, June-July 1998.

·         “Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Economic Performance for Germany” METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, October 1997.

·         “Empirical Investigation of Stock Returns and Volatility in an Emerging Market: Istanbul Stock Exchange”, Coauthor, METU/ERC International Conference on Economics, Ankara October, 1997.

·         “Empirical Investigation of Stock Returns and Volatility in an Emerging Market: Istanbul Stock Exchange”, Coauthor, Middle East Economic Association Meetings, New Orleans, LA, January 1997.

·          “Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Economic Performance for Germany” Bilkent University, April 1996.

·         “Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Economic Performance for Germany” Western Economic Association Meetings San Francisco, CA, June-July 1996.

·         “Interest Rates, Inflation and Variability of Inflation: A Case Study for Turkey”, Coauthor, Middle East Economic Association Meetings, Washington, DC, January 1995.

·         “Fractionalization of Government, Fixed Exchange Rate Regime and Government Financing”,  Southern Economic Association Meetings, Orlando, FL, November 1994.

·          “Fractionalization of Government and Its Financing, Midsouth Academy of Economics and Finance  Meetings, Nashville, TN, February 1994.

·         “President's Popularity, Partisan Theory and Financing Government Spending”, Southern Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, October 1993.

·         “Effects of Central Banks Independence on Governments Financing of Its Expenditures”, Eastern Economic Association Meetings, Washington, DC, April 1993.

·         “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Its Effect on International Trade”, Coauthor, Atlantic Economic Association Meetings, Montreal, Canada, October 1989.